Avraam sachpatzidis

Mr. Avraam Sachpatzidis

Avraam Sachpatzidis is an active ICT Professor in Greece. He has experience in Adult Education more than 17 years. He holds a Master of Education Degree in "Gender Studies and Information Technology" from University of the Aegean and a second Master of Science Degree in "e-Business and Digital Marketing" at the University of Western Macedonia. His PhD thesis in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is on progress with title " Audio visual creation and cultural communication with the use of New Technologies in Education" He has published articles in greek and international journals, presented papers in international conferences and he is a former Badminton Europe Umpire. His research interests are Education , Adult Education , Technical Education , New Technologies in Education , Visual Literacy , e-Commerce , e-Business , Digital Marketing. He is at the moment the Director of Second Chance School of Goumenissa , Greece

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