education conference

Dr. Rajakumar Guduru

Rajakumar Guduru has obtained M.A. English (TESL), M. Phil. English (ELT), and Ph.D. English (ELT) from The English and Foreign Languages University (formerly CIEFL), Hyderabad. His teaching interests are English language skills (LSRW), vocabulary, pronunciation, communication and soft-skills to rural learners. His research interests are developing strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary in the ESL context, academic writing skills, metacognitive reading strategies. He has worked as guest-faculty in the Center for English Language Studies (CELS), University of Hyderabad; assistant professor of English at the department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Warangal (NITW); assistant professor of English at College of Science and Arts, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. He has published research articles in national and international journals. Dr. Rajakumar Guduru received TESOL Grant, DAAD Fellowship, Ford Foundation Fellowship, Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship, EFL University Grant for pursuing his higher education and research. He has received ‘Teaching excellence Award’ consecutively for a fifth time since he joined at IIT Bhubaneswar. He is working on a Seed Grant project, three ICSSR projects, and a SPARC project. Currently, he is working as assistant professor of English at the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar. He is also a Visiting Faculty at IIM, Rohtak.

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