education conference

Dr. Bekithemba Dube

Bekithemba Dube holds a PhD in curriculum studies and current a senior lecturer at the University of the Free State. He has published more than 85 journal articles, book chapter and edited a volume of curriculum, religion and politics in global south in the past 3 and half years. He is a guest editor of the following journals, alternation, Journal of cultures and values, Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, and Journal of curriculum studies research. He saves on editorial board of various journals as well. He has received various excellence awards such as Outstanding service award, community and excellence in the field of community engagement in the category engaged research from the Vice Rector, University of the Free State, 2019. Most Prolific Researcher in the faculty of education 2019 and 2020. Recognition for Research Excellence award UFS, 2020. His research interests are in African studies, decoloniality and rural education in post-colonial Africa.

Dr. Bekithemba Dube

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